Prayer for Peace.


Prayer for Peace

Dismayed by the horrors of war which is bringing ruin to peoples and nations, we turn, O Jesus, to Thy most loving Heart as to our last hope.  O God of Mercy, with tears we invoke Thee to end this fearful scourge; O King of Peace, we humbly implore the peace for which we long.  From thy sacred Heart though didst shed forth over the world divine Charity, so that discord might end and love alone might reign among men.  During Thy life on earth Thy Heart beat with tender compassion for the sorrows of men; in this hour made horrible with burning hate, with bloodshed and with slaughter, once more may they Divine Heart be moved to pity.  Pity the countless mothers in anguish for the fate of their sons; pity the numberless families now bereaved of their fathers; pity Europe over which broods such havoc and disaster.  Do Thou inspire rulers and peoples with counsels of meekness, do Thou heal the discords that tear the nations asunder; thou who didst shed thy previous blood that they might live as brothers, bring men together once more in loving harmony.  And as once before to the cry of the Apostle Peter:  SAVE US, LORD, WE PERISH Thou  didst answer with words of mercy and didst still the raging waves, so now deign to hear our trustful prayer and give back to the world peace and tranquillity.

And do thou, O most holy Virgin, as in other times of sore distress, be now our help, our protection and our safeguard.  Amen.

Composed by His Holiness Benedict XV.